Geographies: World wide

WhatsVegan helps you find vegan products while shopping, by scanning the product labels and informing you whether something is vegan or not.

It's pretty simple - you take a photo of a product ingredient list, and we mark the ingredients based on their source, which is plant based or animal based. We also provide a general vegan rating based on all ingredients in a given product.

We're different from other food scanners - they scan barcodes, and we scan ingredients directly, which solves the problem of missing products.

Our food scanner is useful not only for seasoned vegans, but also for people gradually cutting out animal products from their diet, or for people on vegetarian diet.

To indicate which ingredients are vegan and which are not, we're building a database of food items divided into three categories - vegan, non-vegan, and possibly non-vegan.
For now, our main sources of information are Wikipedia and open-source ingredient databases.

Startup Features:
  • find non-vegan ingredients in products
  • check if a product is vegan
Beta User Benefits:
  • free access to the vegan scanner
Categories / Subcategories:
  • Food & Drink
  • Lifestyle
Target Audience:
  • vegan
  • plant-based
  • vegan scanner
  • vegan ingredients scanner
  • find vegan food
  • is it vegan

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