Geographies: World wide

ntile is a web-service for data structuring as well as for collaborative cloud work with text documents and interactive tables. ntile is meant to solve typical tasks of organizing, editing and storing the corporate or private information.

Key features;
Effective structuring
Interlinking tables
Linking text blocks or entire docs to tables
Value reports which can be saved in separate tables
Collaborative cloud work
Filter customization
Web Clipper
HTTPS protocol access
Public API

Functions and possibilities;
Custom table and docs interlinks
Reusing information
Filters, groups, reports (queries)
Global search around the space
Team cloud work
Drag and Drop
Creating documents out of any table records fast and easily
Hot keys
Custom access to space
Files attachment and public access to them
Insert youtube video and watch them right in the service
Collaborative work with docs and tables
Saving data from web pages to ntile-docs using the Web Clipper
Using ready-made templates and creating your own ones

Startup Features:
  • Effective structuring, Interlinking tables, Linking text blocks or entire docs to tables, Value reports which can be saved in separate tables, Collaborative cloud work
Beta User Benefits:
  • Special offers and discount up to 50%
Categories / Subcategories:
  • Business
Target Audience:
  • saas

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