

Upvotes by: Diego, Will

2 Betafiers 1 Comments Share 1.6k

Geographies: World wide

Nameless.tv is a place where users can watch or create curated video channels online. Our proprietary player can host videos from YouTube, Vimeo and soon to be Facebook, Tumblr and much more.

Like TV, all users in a channel are watching the same thing at the same time. What makes us different is the ability to chat with everyone else watching in real-time.

Create channels, make friends, discover videos.

Startup Features:
  • Discover and share the best videos online all in one place
Beta User Benefits:
  • Users can watch videos with friends from around the world and create their own channels with video content from multiple players and platforms.
Categories / Subcategories:
  • Entertainment
Target Audience:
  • video discovery
  • video streaming
  • discovery
  • curation
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