

Upvotes by: Lucian

1 Betafiers Comments Share 2.2k

Geographies: World wide

Software-as-a-Service that checks a user's websites every minute from all around the world and instantly notifies them via Email, SMS text or phone call when their website is down. What makes Monitive great? 1) The service is built with simplicity in mind, from signing up to enabling advanced features, and 2) it has a built-in escalation system. This means that when an outage occurs, we first send an email alert, then after 3 minutes of downtime we send an SMS alert, and if the site is still down after 10 minutes, we call the user to let them know.

Startup Features:
  • Website monitoring
  • Easy setup
  • Non-stop automatic uptime monitoring
  • SMS, Email, and phone call alert notifications
  • Worldwide monitoring network
  • Customizable, simple features
  • Works on any device
Beta User Benefits:
  • 1 FREE year of the new Monitive
  • Amazon gift cards for the beta testers who give the most feedback
Categories / Subcategories:
  • Business
  • Cloud Solutions and Services
  • Information Technology
  • Productivity
Target Audience:
  • saas
  • monitoring
  • alerts
  • service
  • uptime
  • downtime
  • monitoring tool
  • outage
  • check
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